We create The Inspirers, The Doers, The Motivators, The Dreamers, The Thinkers, The Learners, The Talkers, The Believers and The Leaders.


To sum it all we bring out THE GENIUS in your child.

We are dedicated to enlighten children in all disciplines and sculpt them into great personalities of the world. The focus of our school is to provide academic excellence in a safe and comfortable environment. VGS realizes the importance to instill in children the ability to learn, inquire, think, understand, innovate, and adapt to challenges with modern pedagogy and grounded philosophy. With this foresight the school was started to work with the young minds and gift them a vision to enable them to bloom into wonderful human beings.

Vidya Global School aims to develop its children to become Inquirers and thinkers so that they become knowledgeable and caring adults with balanced personalities. With their strong principles and open-minded approach, they reflect on the issues that concern the welfare of mankind along with this students at VGS communicate their ideas and innovative solution as truly global citizens of tomorrow who are prepared to take new challenges in their stride.

Our school is a community of learners, made up of excellent and dedicated staff of caring professionals, active and involved parents, supportive community and with an excellent infrastructure, in which the children are encouraged to achieve academic and social success, to enjoy learning, celebrate diversity, develop analytical skills and to model exemplary behavior. We empower our students to take responsibility for their own learning. They are active participants and are encouraged to perform best of their abilities. We are committed to work together towards the success of our children.

Your child’s route to Global Education can begin at Vidya Global School. A strong partnership between home and school, with an open and honest line of communication, will facilitate meeting the needs of each student as well as promoting the positive development of the individual learner. We at VGS will make sure that home extends to school and school extends to home seamlessly because we are equal stake holders in holistic education and we need to partner for creating brighter futures.

Our endeavour is to teach each one of our students to redefine success – not by the absence of failures in life – but by overcoming them. I welcome you to a partnership which aims at molding our children into national citizens with a global vision.

Vineet Sood
Vidya Global Schools